LA CAMIONETA – Life and Death on the Road

Our friend, the talented and resourceful Mark Kendall, is almost done with his documentary film, LA CAMIONETA.

After 10 years or 150,000 miles on the road, many school buses in the United States are deemed no longer usable and often end up at one of the country’s many used bus auctions. From there, a sizable percentage of these buses end up in Guatemala, where they are converted into camionetas. Beginning at a used school bus auction in the States and following one bus and its new owner on their 3,000 mile journey across two borders to the highlands of Guatemala, LA CAMIONETA will document the entire process of how a school bus is bought, sold, exported, re-equipped and, ultimately, reborn. This film will explore the personal, social, and economic realities that fuel the trajectory of a school bus’s life.

Kara and I both witnessed Mark’s determination, skill and just plain hard work last year as he was filming in Guatemala. It’s pretty incredible what that skinny gringo captured as he made the trip from a used school bus auction in the States and followed one bus and its new owner on their 3,000 mile journey across two borders to the highlands of Guatemala. Check out the trailer and visit Mark’s Kickstarter page to help him complete this awesome movie!

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